The movie jumps around quite a bit from one point in Temple's life to another. While at first the movie is loud, frenetic, and distracting, you quickly learn that the makers of the film are really trying to put you in the position of someone who suffers from autism. We follow Temple as she makes an impact on the cattle industry, her friends, and her family.
I don't normally like movies that are sappy - but this movie avoided that for the most part. It was a feel-good movie with brains, and that is so rare. Frankly, TV movies have such a negative stigma, that I wish this would have been released in theaters. I mean if Vampires Suck can make millions, shouldn't something as moving as this be able to? This is an HBO film, and it's also out on DVD. I would suggest taking the time to watch it. Temple Grandin earns a score of 8 out of 10.
Thanks for the recommendation, Dan! I think I'll watch it!