Now, I didn't want to see the documentary until I had seen the movie in question, because that might spoil the fun. So I searched my local library system - and not even one library in all of Central Massachusetts had it. So I did an online search and to my surprise, it's available for a limited time to watch for free on Hulu - which is a legal media viewing site. Click here for the link. So last night I watched the movie, and let me tell you this: it's so bad, so terrible, so awful, so over-the-top....that it's one of the most absurdly entertaining bad movies you're bound to watch.
A bad movie in my mind is either a giant disappointment and/or a huge bore. I had no expectations going into this movie other than hoping it would be terrible, so then in that regard it delivered tremendously. Every now and then it's just hilarious to sit back and laugh at cardboard cut-out acting, horrendous costumes, and sets that look pulled straight out of a middle school play....and since Saturday Night Live is on hiatus for the summer, this movie filled that need of mine.
I honestly cannot believe this movie was made. But I am so glad it was! This movie was bad. Terrible in fact. I don't even want to spoil anything because it's so bad it truly is the BEST WORST MOVIE. I cannot wait to see the documentary when it either comes to a theater near me or is released on DVD. In the meantime, you should watch Troll 2 (you don't need to watch the first one - there is no plot or depth, I promise you!). If I had to rate it I would give it a 0 out of 10 on a cinematic scale, and a 8 on the entertaining scale - so we'll give it an overly generous 4 overall score.
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