Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Review from the Past: Children of Men

Every so often I see a movie in theaters, really enjoy it, and then forget about it. Last night as I was browsing my DVD shelves, I decided to put in Children of Men. This is a movie I loved in theaters but had not watched since I had seen it the first time. This second visit should have come sooner - it's such a great movie with such a great premise.

Taking place in the year 2027, this is not a futuristic sci-fi movie like you might expect, but a hauntingly believable portrait of how life might be right around the corner. The world is facing an infertility crisis. The movie opens with media stories breaking the news of the death of the youngest man living in the world - who was 18. We meet Theo Faron (Clive Owen) who, through a series of events, meets and must protect an illegal immigrant who is miraculously pregnant. They must make it to the boat of a humanitarian group before it sets sail to ensure she can deliver the baby safely and possibly ensure that the human race has a future.

This movie is thrilling - too intense for some. I know one person who walked out because it was just too much to handle. If you can put up with the heart-stopping action and brilliant story telling, you need to watch this movie. I would give it an 8.5 out of 10.

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