Saturday, January 29, 2011


This year's supporting actresses could all arguably win.  Each actress turned in a phenomenal performance, some in films that weren't nearly as good as they were.  Here is my ranking of the supporting actresses.

1. Jacki Weaver for Animal Kingdom - As the mother of a crime family, Weaver creates a character so evil I am still left utterly impressed.  This movie is out on DVD now - watch it - it's a good movie, and she is excellent in it (which I think I've said on this blog like 251 times now).

2.  Amy Adams for The Fighter - The front-runner to win is her costar Melissa Leo, but in The Fighter I was most impressed by Amy Adams.  I've been a long time fan of her (you need to see Junebug), and I loved her feisty girlfriend character.

3.  Melissa Leo for The Fighter - I said above that she's the front-runner, and she is very very good as The Fighter in questions mother.

4.  Hailee Steinfeld for True Grit - This girl is the primary reason this movie was worth watching at all.  She was excellent.  My big problem is that she really was the lead, and doesn't belong here.

5.  Helena Bonham Carter for The King's Speech - She was excellent, I loved her, and feel guilty that she is in last place on my rankings.  I can assure you though, she does everything right, the role is just less flashy and substantial as the others listed.


1 comment:

  1. Great review -- and I agree.

    I like Jacki's "Smurf". I dare say she is not evil in the usual sense, but a mom who just loves her boys to the point that she will do anything for them.
    It makes her character's (apparent) turn two-thirds into the film all the more shocking.

