The Best Movies of 2010
The movie year is weird. Some 2010 movies haven’t even been released yet. They screen in New York, LA, or some other city to qualify for awards and it takes forever for them to be released near where I live. So that being said this list is subject to change as I see the last few movies of 2010 that I haven’t gotten to see yet. I am still eager to see Somewhere, Biutiful, Blue Valentine, and Another Year. As of right now though, the following movies are the best of the year in my movie-going opinion. Out of the 121 movies I’ve seen from 2010, these are the ones that 1) stuck with me, 2) entertained me, and 3) added something special to my movie year. They may not all go in the exact order to which I ranked them originally - but they are how I see them now. This is my list:
10) Catfish
I keep going back and forth for the tenth slot on this list. It’s a virtual tie between Catfish and Let Me In. Both movies are great in their own ways, but I give the edge to Catfish because it’s original, not a remake like the other. The filmmakers claim their documentary is true, but I have my strong doubts - no matter - it’s totally interesting and the ending is both shocking and satisfying.
9) How to Train Your Dragon
It’s been a great year for animated movies, and in a year this wasn’t against such a great Pixar entry (Toy Story 3) it would be the best animated film. I love the simple storytelling, the well-drawn characters, and the colorful animation style which looked great in 3D.
8) Exit Through the Gift Shop
For documentaries, the topic of street art might not seem “important” in a sea of issue films. Who says documentaries HAVE to be important? They should tell a good true story, and this tells a great one. You won’t look at graffiti the same way ever again.
7) Black Swan
I didn’t expect to like this movie, but I found it completely riveting. Set in the world of ballet, this is suprisingly one of the most horrifying thrillers I’ve seen all year. I was on the edge of my seat for the majority of the movie, and while many portions were hard to watch, it told an original story with intelligence.
6) Inception
Christopher Nolan makes great movies, and this one is no exception. While in my opinion the ending faltered slightly, the twisty and original flick was completely absorbing. It’s hard to explain exactly what this one is about, but it has to do with a new king of terrorism - the theft of one’s thoughts and secrets. Most people have already seen it, but if you are one of the few who haven’t, I would suggest it highly.
5) The King’s Speech
Call me a sucker for overcoming adversity stories, but because this one is true, I feel no guilt whatsoever. Colin Firth plays the man who will be king, King George VI, who has a stuttering problem. Geoffrey Rush plays his speech therapist. Their interactions are some of the most entertaining of the year, and the story itself is fascinating.
4) The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
3) Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
It might not be the traditional critic pick, but I am not a traditional critic. I go to the movies not just for Oscar bait, but also to have a heck of a good time. I cannot think of a more purely entertaining movie this year than SPVTW. Based on a set of equally crazy-amazing graphic novels, Michael Cera plays the title character facing a colorful cast of evil exes in his quest to win the girl of his dreams. I LOVED this movie.
2) 127 Hours
This movie connected with me on a level most movies don’t even come close to. I’ve seen it twice and will buy it when it’s released on DVD. There is something about the message - make the most of your life before it’s too late - that really hit home with me. James Franco gives a brilliant performance, and Danny Boyle’s direction is amazing considering this story is about a man stuck in a cavern. See it.
1) Toy Story 3
The year’s most emotionally driven film was one starring plastic play things. The story was original (especially for the third installment in the series!), the vocal talent was top-notch, and the pacing was perfect. The only people who don’t love this movie seem to complain that it’s too dark - but it needed the jolt to remain fresh and create an ending that is truly unforgettable. It’s great - and in my opinion - the very best movie of 2010.
photo © 2010 Steve Jurvetson | more info (via: Wylio)
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