Saturday, January 22, 2011

TV TALK: The Show You Should Be Watching

I know, I know, this is My Month of Movies, not My Tales of TV, but every now and then I like to blog about the smaller form of entertainment.  The reason now specifically is to encourage you to watch a television show that has not gone unnoticed, but is still nowhere near the hit it deserves to be.  The show - Justified, which can be found on the F/X network, is worth giving a try if you haven't already.  Starring Timothy Olyphant and a strong supporting cast, the show chronicles the life of deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens.  If you saw the movie Winter's Bone, you can imagine the type of people that Givens comes into contact with while patrolling his Kentucky hometown.  Everywhere you look there is another lowlife villain wreaking havoc.  Unlike Winter's Bone though, the show injects action, humor, and suspense into virtually every minute, making it a very riveting and unique experience.  One reason I felt like mentioning it here is that while a show, it plays like a movie or miniseries.  Most of the episodes contain violent content, but it's nothing more than you'd see in an episode of 24.  The show is also very addicting, and now that the first season is out on DVD, it's the perfect chance to catch up before the second season begins next month.  Between this and The Walking Dead, there are some great, quality hour-long dramas out there - you just might have to find them higher up on the TV dial.  All right, that didn't take too long!  Peace!

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