7. Le Concert
Okay, I bet you've never heard of this movie. A week ago, I hadn't either. When I heard Melanie Laurent, the French actress who was amazing in Inglourious Basterds was going to be in another movie, I had to look into it. When I heard it was about overcoming Nazis to play a concert, it sounded really interesting. It was released in France last year to very good reviews - so we'll see. It might be great, it might not be. That's why it's at number seven on the list.
6. Dinner for Schmucks
Okay, I'm cheating. Originally, I was going to put the Katherine Heigl/Ashton Kutcher film Killers in this spot, but as it's at a 6% positive (out of 100%) on rottentomatoes.com, I'm jumping ship to another comedy that looks promising. The premise is simple - a businessman (played by Paul Rudd) must invite the biggest schmuck he can find to impress some other businessmen. The schmuck in question is played by Steve Carell. So it's going to be great - hopefully!
5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
I am Michael Cera. Well, that's what a lot of people have told me. They say I talk and act like him, and I don't know if that's a compliment yet. This movie it looks like he kicks some serious butt, so I'm hoping to turn that questionable comment into a quality attribute. He plays the title character who meets the perfect girl, but to "get her" he must "defeat" her seven evil exes. It could be stupid, but chances are it will be amazing. I'll be here to report.
4. The Kids Are All Right
I predict this movie will be "the little indie that could" - an arthouse flick that catches fire and rakes in the dough. I think it will follow in the footsteps of "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Bella" and be revered as one of the best films of the year. That's what I hope anyways. It's the story of two married moms (so there goes the deep south viewership) whose two kids track down their sperm donor dad. Drama and laughs ensue - at least that's what it looks like from the trailers. The fact that the two moms in question are played by Julianne Moore and Annette Bening and the dad is played by Mark Ruffalo are three huge reasons alone to see this. I cannot wait.
3. Inception
From the previews, it's really hard to tell what Inception is about. From what I gather, Leo DiCaprio knows how to manipulate dreams, and he pairs up with Juno to do just that. Who cares really - it's from Christopher Nolan. He's most known for the very good (but overrated) The Dark Knight but I admire him most for his independent film, the revolutionary Memento. Yes, I used the word 'revolutionary' to describe a movie and I mean it - it's amazing. I just hope Inception can be half as good.
2. Salt
I love Angelina Jolie - I really do. I loved Wanted more than most action movies I've ever seen, and I liked Tomb Raider, Changeling, Mr.& Mrs. Smith, and many others in her collection of films. Salt is the movie she chose over a Wanted sequel, which originally pissed me off. Then I saw the preview for Salt and it looks incredible. It had better be or I will fly to L.A., track her down, and force her to sign a contract to do a Wanted 2. Mark my words. Okay, well, don't, cause I'm not a creepy stalker, but if you are a creepy stalker reading this that is the perfect idea for you. Oh, and after all of that rant, the movie is about Jolie's self-titled character who may or may not be a spy. Stuff blows up.
1. Toy Story 3 (June 18th)

First off all, it's a Pixar movie. Second of all, it's in the Toy Story franchise. And third...well, you shouldn't need a third reason to see this movie. I remember the first time I met Woody and Buzz in the first installment (I was twelve) and remember worrying when I heard there would be a sequel. How could they possibly risk tarnishing the original masterpiece?! Then the miracle happened - not only was Toy Story 2 good, it was great, and many critics hailed it better than the first. So with that track record, I have faith that this third installment will be phenomenal.
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