Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Romance/Noir (it's hard to put in a box)
Year: 2001
Notable Cast: Naomi Watts, Laura Elena Harring, Justin Theroux
Compare To: It's like if Magnolia and Donnie Darko had a baby....if that were possible.
When I am talking with friends about movies - which happens more often than I prefer to admit - Mulholland Drive often finds its way into the discussion. Few movies are so boldly questionable, so daringly awesome, and so down right confusing. The DVD actually comes with a card of clues to help you figure out what's what. I have seen the movie six or seven times and I still don't completely know what's going on, but that's the fun. It's a puzzle. This isn't some romantic comedy where you can leave your brain at the door to enjoy. It takes work.
The movie opens with an odd montage of swing dancing, bright lights, shifting colors, and some people we are destined to meet along the way. It then cuts to a car accident. And then a discovery. And then some crazy looking dude. It gets bizarre quickly, but then settles out for about an hour before completely losing control in the last quarter. At one moment, you think this movie could be set in the 50s. Another, in the near future. It's crazy, and so much fun.
The acting and directing are also top-notch. This was Naomi Watts breakout role before becoming the star she is today. David Lynch is also at the top of his game. Fun fact - this movie was originally supposed to be a TV series for ABC, but they scrapped the project. David Lynch then took what he had, added in some content he couldn't put on television, and created this movie. I'm so glad that he did!
So if you feel like a great mystery I would highly recommend Mulholland Drive. 9.5 out of 10.
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