Matt Damon and Edward Norton play buddies with different admirations for the game. One is trying to move away from the gambling lifestyle and settle down with his girlfriend, while the other sees poker as the answer to all of life's financial woes. As the movie progresses, it becomes more "you can take the guy out of the poker room, but you cannot take the poker room out of the guy." I know for a fact the high of playing the game - the bluffing, the betting, catching cards, and winning pots. It's a rush, and the movie captures that fully. What I loved about Rounders is that it doesn't glamorize gambling, but portrays many of the downfalls to putting ones money on the line.
Just not to worry any of you, I do not have a gambling problem like Norton's character in the movie. As a matter of fact, I budget $5 or $10 a week and play in maybe three low-level tournaments a year. Often when I am in these tournaments, I listen to those around me discussing their tournament and play histories - it's amazing how much money people leave on the table. The makers of Rounders did their homework as I see real people at the poker tables who are just like many of the characters in the movie. So if you want to place a safe bet on watching a great movie, Rounders will do the trick - 8.5 out of 10.
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