Movie: Enough
Genre: Thriller?
Year: 2002
Notable Cast: Jennifer Lopez
Compare To: Getting a root canal while listening to the "Hampster Dance" song on repeat.
Hey. No, that's not how I normally how I start movie posts - with the word 'hey' I mean. But that's exactly how "Enough" starts, with the word "hey" in white letters on a black screen. Why? I have no idea. Exactly the sentiment I feel towards why they made this horrible movie at all. Sometimes dramas are compared to Lifetime Television for Women movies. To compare "Enough" to that would be an insult to the Lifetime Network. To compare "Enough" to anything but a torture device to only use in the most extreme of circumstances would be an improper usage of the English language.
Now, I am a little fuzzy on the exact plot as I saw the movie eight years ago and once was...well...enough. I know that it's basically a man-hating movie where every female is made to look like a goddess and every male like someone who belongs in prison because they smile the wrong way. I'm pretty sure J.Lo gets beaten on by her husband so she escapes with her little girl while her husband pursues them. Something like that. It doesn't really matter. This isn't a review as much as it is time for me to vent a bit.
I hated the acting. I hated the "Fraiser" like chapters. The story has been done better before (try Not Without My Daughter with Sally Field). There is truly no good reason to watch this movie. I really want to save you 115 minutes of your life if you haven't seen it already. If you have, and you like it, well, we're done. Seriously. Get off this blog, turn off your computer, get in your car, and go drive off of a cliff. Hopefully as your car is careening downwards, you will land on a pile of "Enough" DVDs. I would rate "Enough" .5 out of 10 - POINT FIVE, as in HALF OF ONE STAR OUT OF THE TEN AVAILABLE STARS. And that's overly generous. There is only one movie that I hate more, and we'll get to that eventually.
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