Sometimes when there is a song that I love, I download it (legally) and play it over and over and over until I kill it. After that, I won't listen to the song for years. Well, that's exactly what my dad does with movies. When my dad loves a movie, he watches it over and over and over. He has managed to "kill" quite a few movies that I might normally like, but they've been on so many times that I cannot envision myself putting the movie in to watch on my own time.
Here are the three biggest offenders:
A Few Good Men - I really like this movie, but this war trial film with the classic line "You can't handle the truth!" has been played so many times by my dad that I can't handle seeing it one more time.

Prancer - I love Christmas movies, but some of them are just not super rewatchable. Prancer is an okay movie that's great for kids - but my dad watches it every year without fail. I just cannot take watching it anymore.
Field of Dreams - Okay, it's a classic. I like it. There are a few good scenes. But it's not that good. My dad watches this movie so often you'd think he was getting paid every time it was shown on his TV.
I blogged a long time ago on how a movie can strike a chord with certain people, so those have obviously struck a chord with him. I have nothing against him loving these movies, but all I have to say is just don't suggest these three the next time I'm over at the house and we're trying to think about what to watch.
What movies have been killed for you?
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