I have a very important question. How many points do you award a movie for having one cute kid? The only reason to watch "Yi Yi", a Taiwanese film, is for this one really cute kid actor who does a really nice job being cute. Other than that, "Yi Yi" is quite possibly not only the most boring movie I've watched thus far in this project, but arguably the most boring movie ever made. And it's loooooooong. 173 minutes to be exact.
Every summer, I look forward to the show "Big Brother." Maybe that says something about my intelligence level, maybe it's just my guilty pleasure. Basically, the premise of that show is to observe what people do when they are forced to live with each other. Every summer, they also offer a live feed of the contestants living in the house. I did a free 7 day trial of this once and found it to be the most boring thing ever - it was just people sitting around talking about everyday stuff. I love the show for the edited good parts - not this drivel. Needless to say I didn't subscribe. That is what "Yi Yi" felt like. It felt like being a fly on the wall in the lives of boring people.
The movie opens with a wedding, and ends with a death - I guess this is supposed to be meaningful. If any of the characters (minus cute kid of course) had any personality, maybe I would care. A couple of times a few of them start to get half-way interesting and then the scene changes. One character utters the line, no lie, "Who needs movies? Just stay at home and live life." No kidding. No one needs this type of movie. So cute kid, you're carrying "Yi Yi" on your shoulders. You get 3 stars out of 10. Yes, this is the worst review of any movie yet. And while it may be profound to some, I think the critical acclaim (96% postive, gasp!) comes mostly from stiff suited critics who fear not liking it will mean they didn't get something meaningful. I got where they were going - I just didn't want to go there. 3 stars out of 10.
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