Saturday, May 22, 2010


"The Thin Red Line" is the movie I blame for causing me to fall behind in this project. It's nearly three hours, but it felt like it was ten. It's a war movie that tries to put you in the position and in the mindset of the soldiers during WW2. General Sherman famously said "War is hell" - and so is this movie.

To be fair, this is one of the best shot movies I've seen during this project. For being 1998, it could easily live up to the standards of today. It felt like a new movie. The cast is top notch - which leads to another flaw. When you have so many great actors...USE THEM!! With the exception of Nick Nolte, most of the actors are just props moving through the jungle.

I found myself so bored that I was falling asleep over and over again. I had to put it on five different times just to get through it. Maybe if you were confined to a movie theater, you'd get a whole different experience, but I just didn't get the hype around it.

I really don't have too much more to say, other than I would give this movie a 4.5 out of 10.

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