Shot on the border of Ohio and West Virginia, "Bubble" is a layered story that revolves mostly around two very different individuals who lead very similar lives. Martha is well into her 50s, and Kyle is just out of his teens. They both work in a doll factory and that is how they become friends. When a new employee begins work at the factory, things get interesting. This movie is only 73 minutes long. When it debuted at the Toronto Film Festival the year before, it was 90. Before it's official release, he trimmed it down, but I can say for a short movie, some people will still find it mind-numbingly boring. I don't know, but I found it fascinating.
Soderbergh truly captures the feeling of being trapped in a job that's sole purpose is to pay the bills. He also captures all to realistically the relationship between coworkers - both the good and the bad. The actors don't feel like actors to me - and I mean that as the highest of compliments. (**I just looked it up - they were real people!! **) While this isn't a documentary, it sure felt like one...until a crazy twist.
Being as short as it is, I would highly recommend this movie. While it's not as experimental as a "Memento" or a "Run Lola Run", it's still so offbeat and original in a good way that I think any true cinema freak should get outside of their movie watching "Bubble" and watch it. Pun intended. 9 out of 10.
**NEW NOTE** - Okay, it's been a little while since I posted this review. For the past couple of hours, I cannot get this movie out of my mind. Only "The Silence of the Lambs" has stuck with me like this. It's phenomenal in a very odd, hypnotic way. I cannot describe it, but you really should watch it.
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